Keith Jarrett


Fecha de Nacimiento: 8 de mayo de 1945
Se trata de uno de los maestros del jazz de vanguardia, cuya producción más sobresaliente es una serie de piezas improvisadas grabadas en directo en Colonia, París, Milán, Viena, Tokio y otras ciudades. Probablemente estos sean sus trabajos más famosos, pero es sin duda un enorme virtuoso. Muy versátil, Keith ha interpretado, igualmente, música de autores del barroco europeo.
También interpreta piezas para piano clásico, clavicordio, clavecín y órgano. Ha grabado varios discos de música clásica, interpretando obras de Bach, Händel, Mozart y Shostakovich, entre otros.
Jarrett tiene la reputación de ser un perfeccionista excéntrico y, mientras toca, suele vocalizar de forma expresiva. Su agente musical es Steven Cloud.
Tras sufrir dos derrames cerebrales en 2018 que le dejaron secuelas, anunció en 2020 su retirada de la interpretación.
Keith Jarrett nació el 8 de mayo de 1945, en Allentown, Pensilvania, de una madre de ascendencia húngara y un padre de ascendencia francesa o escocesa-irlandesa. Creció en el suburbio Allentown con la exposición temprana significativa a la música.2 Jarrett posee el oído absoluto, y mostró prodigiosos talentos musicales de niño pequeño.
Comenzó clases de piano justo antes de su tercer cumpleaños, y a los cinco años apareció en un programa de talentos de televisión organizado por el líder de la banda de swing, Paul Whiteman. Jarrett dio su primer concierto formal de piano a la edad de siete años, tocando obras de compositores como Mozart, Bach, Beethoven y Saint-Saëns, y terminando con dos de sus propias composiciones. Animado especialmente por su madre, Jarrett tomó clases intensivas de piano clásico con una serie de maestros, incluyendo a Eleanor Sokoloff del Instituto Curtis.
Después de su graduación de la High School secundaria de Emmaus en 1963, Jarrett se trasladó de Allentown a Boston donde asistió al prestigioso Berklee College of Music y tocó el piano en los clubs locales. Después de un año se mudó a Nueva York donde tocó en el mítico Village Vanguard.
Wikipedia in English
Date of Born May 8, 1945
Is an American jazz pianist and musician.
He is one of the masters of avant-garde jazz, whose most outstanding production is a series of improvised pieces recorded live in Cologne, Paris, Milan, Vienna, Tokyo and other cities. These are probably his most famous works, but he is undoubtedly a huge virtuoso. Very versatile, Keith has also performed music by European Baroque authors
He also performs pieces for classical piano, harpsichord, harpsichord, and organ. He has recorded several classical music albums, performing works by Bach, Händel, Mozart and Shostakovich, among others.
Jarrett has a reputation for being an eccentric perfectionist and, while playing, he often vocalizes expressively. His musical agent is Steven Cloud.
After suffering two strokes in 2018 that left him sequelae, he announced his retirement from acting in 2020.
Keith Jarrett was born on May 8, 1945, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, to a mother of Hungarian descent and a father of French or Scottish-Irish descent. He grew up in the Allentown suburb with significant early exposure to music.2 Jarrett possesses absolute pitch, and displayed prodigious musical talents as a young child. He started piano lessons just before his third birthday, and at age five he appeared on a television talent show hosted by swing band leader Paul Whiteman.
Jarrett gave his first formal piano concerto at the age of seven, playing works by composers such as Mozart, Bach, Beethoven, and Saint-Saëns, and ending with two of his own compositions. Especially encouraged by his mother, Jarrett took intensive classical piano lessons with a number of teachers, including Eleanor Sokoloff of the Curtis Institute.
After his graduation from Emmaus High School in 1963, Jarrett moved from Allentown to Boston where he attended the prestigious Berklee College of Music and played piano in local clubs. After a year he moved to New York where he played at the legendary Village Vanguard.
Genero Jazz Escuchar Musica  Año de Publicación
1 Dream Weaver 1966
2 The Flowering of the Original Charles Lloyd Quartet Recorded in Concert 1966
3 Charles Lloyd in Europ 1966
4 Forest Flower: Charles Lloyd at Monterey 1967
5 Love-In 1967
6 Ruta and Daitya, 1973
7 Fort Yawuh, 1973
8 Solo Concerts: Bremen and Lausanne [live] 1973
9 In the Light, 1973
10 Hamburg 74 1974
11 Backhand 1974
12 Death and the Flowers 1975
13 Backhand 1975
14 The Köln Concert [live] 1975
15 Shades 1975
16 Standards, Vol. 2 1985
17 Spheres 1985
18 Book of Way 1986
19 Still Live 1986
20 Changeless 1987
21 Dark Intervals 1988
22 S. Bach: Das Wohltemperierte Klavier Buch I 1988
23 Goldberg Variations 1989
24 Personal Mountains 1989
25 The French Suite 1993
26 3 Sonaten für Viola da Gamba und Cembalo [Kashkashian/Jarrett] 1994
27 Bridge of Light 1994
28 Radiance 2005
29 Carnegie Hall 2006
30 My Foolish Heart 2007
31 Paris/London 2008
32 Yesterday 2009
33 Jasmine 2010
34 Rio 2011
35 Somewhere Keith Jarrett, Gary Peacock 2013
36 Last Dance 2014
37 Creation, 2015
38 A Multitude of Angels 2016
39 After the Fall 2018
40 La Fenice, , Keith Jarrett (Piano), (ECM) 2018


Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia