Paul Waaktaar Savoy


Fecha de Nacimiento: 6 de septiembre de 1961




Es un artista que a lo largo de su carrera musical ha ocupado numerosos puestos: como miembro de a-ha (como sobre todo se le conoce) destaca en la composición de temas y como guitarrista; en Bridges desempeña el papel de vocalista, guitarrista y compositor; en Savoy (banda) (su propia banda) es el pilar del grupo en el que desempeña los papeles de vocalista, guitarrista, compositor, programación e incluso se ocupa de los teclados y la percusión (no batería).


Paul y Magne crecieron juntos en Oslo. El interés de ambos por la música pronto despertó y juntos estuvieron en varias bandas: una llamada “Spider Empire” y en 1976 formaron Bridges junto al bajista Viggo Bondi y el batería Oystein Jevanord. El 27 de mayo de 1977, Bridges dio su primer concierto en el club de Oslo “Chateur Neuf”.


Date of Birth: September 06, 1961




He is an artist who throughout his musical career has held numerous positions: as a member of a-ha (as he is known above all) he excels at composing songs and as a guitarist; in Bridges he plays the role of vocalist, guitarist and composer; In Savoy (band) (his own band) he is the mainstay of the group in which he plays the roles of vocalist, guitarist, songwriter, programming and even deals with keyboards and percussion (not drums).


Paul and Magne grew up together in Oslo. Their interest in music soon awoke and together they were in several bands: one called “Spider Empire” and in 1976 they formed Bridges with bassist Viggo Bondi and drummer Oystein Jevanord. On May 27, 1977, Bridges gave his first concert at the Oslo club “Chateur Neuf”.



Género New wave Pop rock Synth-pop Rock alternativo Post-grunge Rock progresivo Escuchar Tema Año de Publicación
Álbumes con Savoy:
1 Mary Is Coming 1996
2 Lackluster Me 1997
3 Mountains Of Time 1999
4 Reasons To Stay Indoors 2001
5 Savoy 2004
6 Savoy Songbook Vol. 1 2007
7 See The Beauty In Your Drab Hometown 2018
Álbumes con a-ha:
1 Hunting High And Low 1985
2 Scoundrel Days 1986
3 Stay On These Roads 1988
4 East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon 1990
5 Headlines and Deadlines – The Hits of a-ha 1991
6 Memorial Beach 1993
7 Minor Earth Major Sky 2000
8 Lifelines 2002
9 How Can I Sleep With Your Voice In My Head 2003
10 The Singles 2004
11 Analogue 2005
12 Foot of the Mountain 2009
13 Cast in Steel 2015
14 MTV Unplugged – Summer Solstice 2017
Créditos: Tomado de Wikipedia