Frankie Valli



Fecha de Nacimiento: 3 de mayo de 1934


Es un cantante y actor estadounidense, vocalista del grupo The Four Seasons, uno de los más destacados grupos musicales de la década de 1960. Es conocido por su poderosa voz inusual de falsete, que también incursionó por la música disco de los años 70. Fue operado de una lesión en sus oídos, lo cual casi le originó sordera, por lo cual muchas de las canciones las cantaba basándose en el movimiento de labios de sus compañeros.

Valli nació como Francesco Stephen Castellucio siendo el mayor de tres hermanos de una familia italiana en First Ward of Newark, New Jersey. Su padre, Anthony Castellucio, fue un peluquero y diseñador de pantalla para los modelos de trenes Lionel. Su madre, Mary Rinaldi, era ama de casa y empleada de una compañía cervecera. La inspiración para ser cantante le llegó a la edad de siete años, después de que fue con su madre a ver al joven Frank Sinatra, en el Paramount Theater en New York City. Su maestra inicial fue la cantante “Texas” Jean Valli, de quién tomaría su nombre. Hasta que pudo sostenerse con la música, trabajó como peluquero.

El año de nacimiento de Valli siempre ha originado preguntas. Valli nunca respondió esta pregunta hasta el 2007 en Official Frankie Valli Site, expuesta por su sello de grabación, Universal Records. Mucha de la publicidad oficial previa de su carrera, mencionaba alrededor de 1937 como el año de nacimiento. Otras fuentes, como Bear Family Records liberaba, titulado como “The Four Lovers” (BCD 15424) o bien como en 1965 como ficha policial valorizable a través de la pistola humeante, todos identificaron como su año de nacimiento 1934.


Date of Born: May 3, 1934

He is an American singer and actor, the vocalist of the group The Four Seasons, one of the most prominent musical groups of the 1960s. He is known for his unusual powerful falsetto voice, which also dabbled in 1970s disco music. He underwent surgery for an injury to his ears, which almost caused him to become deaf, which is why he sang many of the songs based on the movement of his companions’ lips.

Valli was born Francesco Stephen Castellucio, the eldest of three brothers in an Italian family in the First Ward of Newark, New Jersey. His father, Anthony Castellucio, was a hairdresser and display designer for Lionel model trains. His mother, Mary Rinaldi, was a homemaker and employee of a brewing company. The inspiration to be a singer came to him at the age of seven, after he went with his mother to see the young Frank Sinatra, at the Paramount Theater in New York City. His initial teacher was the singer “Texas” Jean Valli, from whom he would take his name. Until he was able to sustain himself with music, he worked as a hairdresser.

Valli’s birth year has always raised questions. Valli never answered this question until the 2007 Official Frankie Valli Site, featured on his record label, Universal Records. Much of the previous official publicity of his career, mentioned around 1937 as the year of birth. Other sources, such as Bear Family Records released, titled as “The Four Lovers” (BCD 15424) or as in 1965 as a police file recoverable through the smoking gun, all identified as his year of birth 1934.


Genero Pop, R&B, Soul Escuchar Musica  Año de Publicación
1 The Four Seasons Present frankie valli solo 1967
2 Timeless – 1968
3 Half & Half 1970
4 Chameleon 1972
5 Closeup 1975
6 Inside You 1975
7 Our Day Will Come 1975
8 Valli Gold 1975
9 Valli 1976
10 Lady Put the Light Out 1977
11 Frankie Valli Hits 1978
12 Frankie Valli… is the word 1978
13 Very Best Of Frankie Valli 1979
14 Superstar Series Volume 4 1980
15 Heaven Above Me 1980
16 Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons 25th Anniversary Collection – 1988
17 Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons volume 2 rarities – 1990
18 Frankie Valli Solo Timeless’ 2LP on 1 CD + Bonus Tracks’ – 1994
19 The Four Seasons Frankie Valli ‘Half & Half Plus 6 Bonus Tracks 1996
20 Frankie Valli ‘Greatest Hits 1996
21 In Season the The Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Anthology 2001
22 Jersey Beat… The Music Of Frankie Valli & ‘The Four Seasons 2007
23 Romancing The ’60s 2007
24 The Four Seasons Present frankie valli solo 2008
25 Closeup – Valli 2008
26 Our Day Will Come 2008
27 Frankie Valli Is the Word 2008
28 Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons: The Motown Years 2008